Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bye Bye Now...

Well, tomorrow we are off for a week! Our friend is coming to stay with the kids (she has my cell phone so feel free to check in if you can!) and we are headed to Delafield, WI to Cedarly Pastors Retreat - best part about it - its free!

Pray for us, this week is supposed to bring 'reset and refreshment' that is much needed. And something else? No internet! We won't know how to act! I'm sure I'll have pics and stories when we return. Have a great week everyone!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Check It Out

Hey, check out my friends new website! She creates,designs or redesigns just about anything you'd want! She is fast, efficient and able to give you just what you are looking for, I love my blog she created for me!