Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are You Safe?

I was talking with my mom last night and so enjoyed the interest she shows in our journey.  The love and support shown by so much of our family and friends is amazing!

Mom stated how happy she is for me and how much she loves watching God work through us.  I said, "It is an exciting life, thats for sure!" And I forget just how she said it but it was something along the lines of acknowledging the fact that our life is one where you never know what God is going to do next.  To a degree I get that and yet the more I think about it, I wonder why it is that everyone doesn't have the same opportunities we have?  Or do they?  Do you have the same options each day that God presents in my life?  Technically, no but I do believe that the same opportunity *is* there for adventure, for risk, for God to challenge you to do something you never would have before - but now you can because you realize and understand more fully that He is WITH YOU and you trust Him.

Nothing gets me going more than that; seeing someone do something they never thought they would/could before!  But because they trust God they are moving!  I don't care if it is adoption, quitting your job and moving away from the only family and friends you have ever known in order to pursue a dream, running a marathon, leading a small group, sitting in a different seat a little bit closer at church, or whatever!  Ask yourself, what is God challenging you to do? Do something kind for your neighbor? Smile at someone at the grocery store?  Maybe follow her and when you see her add up her groceries and then place items out of the cart because she doesn't have enough to cover it, secretly pay the cashier for the items?  I love the drive through game where you get to the window and the person says your coffee is paid for by the person in front of you! For no reason...then if you realize it quick enough you pay for the next person :)

Life is so short, guys.  And from the very few experiences we have had and are in the midst of, can I please tell you - risk it!  Be wise, use good discernment, but do something bold for God that you never, ever thought you could or would and then trust Him.  There is no roller coaster to give you a bigger thrill than that. It definitely can feel like the very tip of the monstrous hill right before you plunge, you know where your tummy is not yet flipping - but almost!?? Nothing on earth will be a better feeling than at some point seeing someone in heaven that tells you that they are there because of something God allowed you to be part of.  I promise the opportunities are there, take them!

I've used this clip several times as an illustration in messages I've given.  I'd like to share it with you today and ask one simple thing,

how safe are you?

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